Mrs Lamia Ben Mahmoud has a very wide experience in the insurance field.
She has been the CEO of her country’s reinsurance company, Tunis Re, for more than ten years.
Prior to moving to Tunis Re, she was the General Manager of the insurance regulation at the Tunisia’s insurance regulatory body (CGA).
Her professional life was closely envolved around the insurance department of the Tunisian Ministry of Finance for over Seventeen (17) years.
She was President of the intermediaries accreditation commission of insurance in the Ministry of Finance. She has also served as Government Commissioner in the Consultative Commission on Insurance.
She has equally served as member of the « Executive Committee of the Fédération Tunisienne des Sociétés d’Assurances (FTUSA) », President of the African Insurance Oraganisation (AIO) 2015/2016, member of Executive Committee of the Arab War Risks Insurance Syndicate (AWRIS) and member of Executive Committee of the RVS Association of Monte Carlo.
She holds a Master’s degree in economics and a Post- graduate degree in insurance.
She has often been asked to serve at reflection and study commissions devoted to Insurance and reinsurance.